Terminal Assimilation in progress...

The Moon

Cyberspace? No. it’s the Matrix...


You feel a shiver down your spine.
You look up to the moon, and upon gazing closer at it, you see code.
The very Matrix Code keeping you trapped in a decaying place...

Suddenly, you flash back... The good times...
A long time ago, when Cyberspace was still young...

A free place... A lawless place... A realm of freedom and openess...
Where personal realms were king, and a beacon for you to be heard by the world...

A place free of bloatware and adware...
A place of mystique and intruguity awaited those approaching the Cyber Doors...

You had your own say on your own dimensions. You were the one making the Grid.
You built your own world, without being tethered to big corporations.

A place, that will never exist again...

In the year 2004, a machine army known as ’Facebook’ took over Cyberspace.
With the fall of MySpace imminent, the Users surrendered to Facebook...
Ever since then, the Internet has became THE MATRIX.

Before the Facebook invasion, the Internet was simple to understand.
Time and effort was placed into their creations, unlike the Matrix of today.

Why must all sites desire to become the same?
Why must they impose such harsh rules of correction?

I referred to the Internet nowadays as The Matrix for this reason.
The Cyberworld has became merged with Reality. The line has withered away.
The Matrix relied on Monopolies to function. But I think this shouldn’t be the case.

The bloatware was a big problem I had on my old computer a while back.
You can’t access the Matrix now with the same tech you used long ago.

THIS. Was why I opened the IRC Server.
THIS. Was why I experimented on BBS Software.
THIS. Was why I experimented with Neocities.



Updated 6月7日2020年

Progress - ??%